Potomac Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club, Inc.

Serving the National Capital Area since 1972  

PVSSC General Meeting

PVSSC will hold their General Mtg by Zoom Only on 17 Feb 2025, at 7:30 pm. After our regular meeting at about 8 pm, we will discuss "What To Do If Your Pet Goes Missing." 
If you want to attend the general meeting, please email

 PVSSC.Shelties@gmail.com or npenn62@verizon.net for the link.

23 Feb 2025 - INDOOR Doggie Gym / 11:30 - 1:30

                            FROLIC DOGS Canine Sports Club                                                    3208 Colvin Street · Alexandria, VA                                       cost is $15 per dog, can accommodate 20 Shelties

 Further Info:
Frolick Dogs: Services — Frolick Dogs

Chartered in 1972 the Potomac Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club (PVSSC) is a regional affiliated specialty club of the American Shetland Sheepdog Association and licensed by the American Kennel Club.  Our members are Sheltie fanciers from the Greater Washington DC Metropolitan Area.   We typically hold meetings once a month with a program, have annual events such as specialty conformation shows and performance events such as herding, obedience and rally trials. . .and more!